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  • News

    news.xinhuanet.com/tech/2016-04/25/c_128927644.htm  (picture)

    en.people.cn/n3/2016/0425/c90000-9049221.html  (picture, English)

    v.163.com/paike/VBILQ8CE0/VBKI4K074.html   (video, CCTV news)


    Chinese scientists have released the mating images of a pair of wild snow leopards in Sanjiangyuan area in Qinghai Province. It is believed to be the first time that humans have captured images of the animals mating. Rough statistics show that China is home to over 2,000 wild snow leopards, and around 1,000 of them live in Qinghai.

                                              Mating images of wild snow leopards.


                             Mating images of wild snow leopards.



                                White-lipped deer

    国产人成午夜免视频网站,2020国产在线拍揄自揄视频,美女自慰网站国产,亚洲人妻中文字幕在线一区 亚洲熟妇视频在线观看 免费国产美女爽到喷出水来视频
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